16-year-old girl saved by ants after they bite man trying to rape her

A 16-year-old girl escaped being raped after her attacker was attacked by a colony of ants.
Toni Irawan, 29, approached the 16-year-old girl identified by her initials A.S. and asked her to go for a drive around Sukamaju, South Sulawesi province, in Indonesia. During the drive, Irawan allegedly asked the girl for sex and she refused.
She tried to escape when he stopped the car but he dragged her into some nearby bushes and made to rape her.
But a colony of ants attacked them and sent the attacker running, thereby saving the girl from a horrific sexual assault.
The girl managed to get up and run to nearby houses to call for help.
Sukamaju police chief Iptu Alimin Pammu told local media that Irawan has since been arrested and is currently on remand as the investigation continues.
If found guilty, he faces between three and 15 years in prison.