‘He had no business getting into politics, Black Lives Matter is going to be his demise’ – Hollywood actress Vivica Fox slams Donald Trump

Hollywood actress, Vivica A Fox, has come out to blast US President, Donald Trump saying the way he has handled racism issues and the Covid-19 pandemic will surely end his presidency come November 2020.
According to Fox, Trump had no business getting into politics, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and the protests over the death of George Floyd spells the end for Trump’s presidency.
“It’s gonna be his demise,” she says in an interview with The Guardian published Friday.
“That and the way he’s handled this pandemic. He had no business getting into politics. It was just a notch on his belt. He didn’t know what it meant to hold that position. So I’ve been out there supporting Joe Biden and I will continue to campaign for him. We need some leadership back in the White House because right now there is so much division.”

Fox recalls meeting Donald Trump, who presided over the 2015 series of Celebrity Apprentice on which Fox was a contestant.
According to Fox, the competition was “the most racially charged set I’d ever been on”.
“How did that tension manifest itself? “You could see the manipulation. They’d pit Brandi [Glanville, star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills] against Kenya [Moore, from The Real Housewives of Atlanta] and I really felt there was a black v white thing going on.”
” One time, Ivanka (Trump’s daughter) said to me and the other black women there: ‘You speak very well.’ We were like: ‘What?’ I don’t believe she meant it to be insulting. Bless her heart. But looking back, especially in the climate we’re in now, you’d be like: ‘C’mon girl. We went to school, too.’”
The high opinion she had of Trump at the start of making Celebrity Apprentice quickly plummeted according to Fox.
“He was obsessed with becoming president and I believe it was because a black man had done it. And Obama had done it so well that, throughout his presidency, Trump was always on him. To this day, he can’t keep his name off his tongue. It’s an awful obsession. I love the way Obama handles it, such grace under fire.”
Speaking about the racism she encountered while trying to make it as a black actor in Hollywood, she said;
“We were told people didn’t want to see our stories: ‘You be the sidekick’. We were told African American women can’t lead films. Or that the only stories we could tell were in the past,” says Fox. There is still work to be done. “I’d love to see more docuseries showing that the contribution of African Americans doesn’t always have to be through entertainment. We need to educate children so they don’t think they have to grow up and be athletes or rappers. They can be lawyers and scientists, too.”