Kris Jong-Un trends as Twitter users make a meme by photoshopping Kris Jenner and Kim Jong-Un following Kanye’s outburst

Kanye West referred to his mother-in-law Kris Jenner as Kris Jong-Un and Twitter users are having a field day making memes by photoshopping Kris Jenner and Kim Jong-Un into one person.
It began with Kanye going on Twitter to call out his wife Kim Kardashian and her mother. He accused them of being white supremacists then called his mother-in-law “Kris Jong-Un” (read here), thereby likening her to the North Korea dictator, Kim Jong-Un.
Twitter users found that part hilarious and they have started creating memes by photoshopping Kris’s head to Kim Jong-Un’s body.

See below.

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