Nigerian lawyer with 5 law degrees, shares photo of his poor secondary school result as he cautions parents against allowing poor grades define their children

Jake Okechukwu Effoduh, a Nigerian lawyer, has called on Nigerian parents not to allow their children get defined by the grades they obtain while in school.
Jake shared the photo above of his secondary school result in which he failed 9 subjects, including Maths and English Language, and despite the poor grades, has turned out to be a fine lawyer with five law degrees. Read what he wrote on his IG page below
Dear parent, this was me at 12 years old. I failed 9 out of 15 subjects (including Maths and English) from a public school.
This result from 18 years ago didn’t define me then; and it obviously didn’t determine how I turned out. School isn’t a competition, it is a place for learning, play and growth. There’s more to life than an estimation of one’s academic performance. If you ask me: your child’s result should be taken as a receipt that you paid school fees, finish.
I am 30 years old now and I have bagged 5 university degrees in law from several Ivy League schools. This as well, should never matter! Life is not by the “where” and “what” you’ve done for yourself but by who you are and