My mother once said she didn’t save for my education for me to bring crap CDs – Zoro

Zoro while narrating how tough it was growing up, revealed that his mother was never in support of his choice of music as a career.
According to the indigenous rapper, his mother once said she wasn’t saving for his education for him to bring crap CDs. Zoro who also disclosed that he wanted to become a marine engineer as a kid, said prayers helped him become an artiste.
“My mum once said she wasn’t using one ‘wrapper’ to save money to send me to school for me to bring home some crap CDs for her. As a child, I wanted to become a marine engineer. I grew up in Onitsha and Enugu; it was really tough growing up during those times but God and my family had my back, so I pulled through. My life as an undergraduate wasn’t easy; sometimes, I had to leave for school by 4.30am just to get some good place to sit” he told Saturday Beats.