Parenting: The important Role Fathers play in making kids happy

Remember how we used to play in the rain, race with friends then sing “rain, rain go away, come again another day…little children want to play.” when dad wouldn’t let us go out to play, yet we could see some of our friends playing in the rain?
The rainy season is here now and kids these days do not get to experience some of the memories we had while growing up. Back then, there was no COVID-19 to restrict kids from playing, and even though we were taught to wash our hands before eating, we did not have to wash them at
intervals during the day.
I remember a remarkable incident that happened when I was 6-years-old. It seemed a rather interesting Saturday afternoon because all the kids in the compound came out to play. However, a bit cloudy, it was still okay to run around since the rain had not started pouring yet.
That’s how my friend, Salome suggested that we should all play “catcher” and me being so eager to run around, I jumped right at it. We were four kids playing that game. I, Sally, and two other kids from the flat directly below ours. We started the game and guess who was the catcher…me! As we were running and screaming, enjoying ourselves, I attempted to catch Sally so that she’ll be the next catcher. With so much rush, I made an effort to jump, and stomp my feet on the ground while catching Sally…but little did I know that there was a piece of broken brick on the ground.
As I jumped to catch her, I landed on the brick, lost my balance, and fell to the ground. I was quite an energetic child, but that instant I fell, I knew I had hurt myself. My friends were in the rare waiting for me to stand up and continue running so I can catch Sally…but they soon realized I was hurt. Our parents were watching from the balcony, so it was easy for them to see us. My friends noticed I was sobbing, trying to hide my tears and instantly started telling me sorry but it wasn’t enough.
From the balcony, my dad had noticed I was down and quickly called out to me. I couldn’t respond since I was already crying…he knew I was hurt. A few moments later “daddy” rushed downstairs, calling out to me. “Nono…Nono, did you fall?” he raised me, looked in my eyes, and said to me
“don’t worry daddy is here…sorry”. At that moment, I knew my hero came to my rescue. I wore a big smile and gave daddy a big hug and that’s how “catcher” ended that day. This and many other things made me realize that my dad’s soooooo kool.
The important role fathers play in the lives of their children contributes to a child’s mental, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. Because Fatherhood is a lifelong journey, throughout that
expedition, fathers are saddled with the responsibility to provide the necessities required to create a balance in the development of their kids and advance the child’s happiness. They also provide love, support, leadership, education, counsel, and guidance in every aspect of a child’s life.
There is global attention towards taking care of kids against predators and fathers have their responsibility to play in this regard to secure the happiness and confidence of kids so they are properly guided.
In the spirit of the upcoming Father’s Day Celebration themed ‘My dad’s sooo kool!’, Ruff ‘n’ Tumble unveiled an amazing Father’s Day collection which is available on and in all Ruff ‘n’ Tumble stores nationwide.
As a gift to you, in partnership with Praise Fowowe, an experienced speaker on family life and child development, you will get FREE copies of ‘Out of the Box Parenting’ by Praise Fowowe, when you shop the new collection in Ruff ‘n’ Tumble stores. Also, join Praise Fowowe as he speaks on ‘Parenting a happy kid: The Role of Fathers in Making Kids Happy.’ this Saturday, 20th of June 2020 by 10 a.m in an Instagram Live session on @ruffntumblekids Instagram’s page