Angry woman chops off ex-hubby’s penis, pours acid on it, then flushes it down toilet (Photo)

A man who cheated on his former wife while they were married, has learnt in the most gruesome way, that hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.
According to reports, the man fell for the seduction of the former wife, who grabbed his penis, while his pants were down and cut it, along with the testicles with a scissors.Then she doused the genitals in acid and then flushed everything down the drain, leaving only one centimetre of penis for the man.
According to Mail Online, the 58 year-old Taiwanese woman told the petrified man:’If I can’t have it, no one else can’, before taking 40 sleeping pills in an apparent suicide attempt.
According to police, the attack happened in the couple’s home in the township of Hukou, which is in Taiwan’s north-western county of Hsinchu, on 24th July.
Reports say they had divorced less than a month ago but Mr Chen, jobless for two years, continued to live off his wife. Authorities with the local Xinhu Precinct said they received a call from a howling Mr Chen, 56, following the incident at 8:50pm local time. According to Taipei Times, the woman allegedly then threatened to douse the man with hydrochloric acid when he blockaded himself inside the bathroom and called for help, police said.
Xinhu Precinct deputy chief Kao Kai-long said: ‘While the victim had his pants down, the suspect used a pair of scissors to cut off the victim’s genitals.’ Arriving officers added Ms Lee was found unconscious in the home after she ingested some 40 sleeping pills in a bid to kill herself. Both she and her ex-husband were taken to National Taiwan University Hospital Zhudong Branch and are in stable condition