Boris Johnson defends ‘stop and search’ amid reports blacks are 47 times more likely to be searched by police

Johnson was challenged by acting Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey, who said black people were 47 times more likely than white people to be stopped by police using stop and search powers.
He said: ‘On too many occasions, stop and search seems to mean being black is enough to be suspected of being a criminal.’
Johnson in response, acknowledged the powers should be used ‘sensitively and in accordance with the law’ but said they were an important tool in combating violent crime.
“What has been happening in London with knife crime has been completely unacceptable.”
‘I do believe that stop and search, amongst many other things, can be a very important utensil in fighting knife crime. It does work. It worked for us when I was running London and it must work now. It is not the whole answer but it is part of the mix.’
Challenged by the SNP’s Kirsty Blackman to condemn Mr Trump’s ‘horrendous’ response to the death of Mr Floyd, Johnson replied;
“He (Mr Trump) is president of the United States, which is our most important ally in the world today. ‘Whatever those on the left may say about it, the United States is a bastion of peace and freedom and has been for most of my lifetime.’