This Southwest Arkansas daycare center is being investigated after a 9-month-old child sustained deep injuries.
The child was dropped off at the daycare by his mother on Friday before she left for work. But she received a call later that day asking her to come back to the daycare and when she got there, she was shocked to see the state her son was in.
“It just looks as if my baby was attacked by an animal,” LaToya Griffen said.
“The worker said another 2-year-old child had climbed in the playpen while he was asleep and had attacked him.”
The daycare staffer “… said my baby didn’t cry and he didn’t make any noises while all of this was going on,” Griffen recalled. “But I just find that impossible.”
She said her son had been bitten more than 30 times and had numerous scratches on his body. The baby was treated at a hospital then released after which the mother lodged a complained and an inquiry has begun.
The Arkansas Department of Human Services reports that it has taken interim corrective action at Alphabet Academy in Nashville, AR.
No caregivers in the facility are to be left alone with children at any time, said Marci Manley, of the Arkansas Department of Human Services. In other words, there always must be at least two staffers together with the children.
Nashville police are investigating what exactly happened to Decorian.
“Right now, we are trying to determine if that is the correct story – if it was a child that bit the kid or if there was any kind of neglect or failure to watch from the daycare center,” criminal investigator Larry Marion said.