Comedian Seyilaw advices Nigerian couples: ‘The fear of death in marriage is the beginning of wisdom to divorce’

Comedian Seyilaw shared an article about marriage via his Instagram page and has a word of advice for partners who follow the religious opinions of others while in a violent relationship will surprise you. Read below.
Marriage is an institution and not an entity. Institutions are not wrong, but the people who make up the institutions are the ones whose wrongs and rights define the institutions. The fact that you have spent 9 years in a university doesn’t mean you are a forbearer of the knowledge to attaining a First Class like a jambite who came prepared to achieve the feat. A man who is 50 years in marriage might not be in the best position to dish marriage advices than a man who is just 2 years. The 50 years married man might only have enjoyed a longevity that is sustained by a woman who is highly tolerant and endured much because she has huge limit of long suffering whilst the 2 years married man might just the man who knows how to tickle his wife to submission, accept her wrong and bear her pain.
Marriage is not a MUST, but choice. It is the bad choices some people make that they try to define marriage by. It is not everybody who can shoot that can be in the MILITARY, neither is the CHOIR for all who can. You can wax a GLOBAL AWARD WINNING ALBUM without passing through the choir, the same you can have lovely KIDS without being married. When you come into marriage and fail, deal with your wrongs and stop blaming MARRIAGE. Marriage NEVER forces you to come in, people or you made the choice of force to be in marriage. If my marriage fails tomorrow, I should be able to reflect on my mistakes and not use my marriage as a yardstick to discourage others from getting married.
It takes a bold step to get out of a marriage. If you want out because you are out of breath, please do and stop looking for an oxygen mask in the dark. Don’t be too self righteous to suppress your partner’s feelings for your own selfishness. The same wisdom that teaches you to LOVE, also acknowledge FLIGHT in the presence of DANGER, after all, wisdom is born out of fear. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom not the everything of wisdom. The fear of death in marriage is the beginning of wisdom to DIVORCE.
Marriage is not a RELIGION institution, it is a CULTURAL and TRADITIONAL institution. Marriage is not formalised by PRIEST and IMAM, but by the agreement of both PARENTS and the COUPLE. Even JESUS at the wedding in Cana was a GUEST. He understood the cultural background and that was why he wasn’t against their choice of drinks. Don’t allow people’s RELIGIOUS opinion kill you in MARRIAGE. I don’t want to talk too much. Some other time. Like the Yoruba statement, ile aye da, awon eda adamo lo so ile aye dogun translated as the world is good, it is the human in it that turned it to war.