Cops shoot and kill man during traffic stop less than a mile from where George Floyd was killed

A man has died after he was shot by Minneapolis police officers Wednesday night, Dec 30, in the city’s Powderhorn neighborhood.
At around 6.15pm (12.15am GMT), outside a gas station near East 36th Street and Cedar Avenue, cops pulled over a felony suspect.
Police Chief Medaria Arradondo says witness statements show the suspect fired first at officers, who then reportedly fired back and killed him.
The suspect’s female passenger was not hurt, nor were officers during the incident.

Arradondo said police body camera footage of the shooting will be released later today.
He added: “I want our communities to see that so they can see from themselves.”
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is leading the investigation.

Mayor Jacob Frey released a statement on Wednesday evening.
He said: “Events of this past year have marked some of the darkest days in our city. We know a life has been cut short and that trust between communities of color and law enforcement is fragile.
“Rebuilding that trust will depend on complete transparency. I am working closely with Chief Arradondo to gather all the facts surrounding what happened tonight and will be relaying that information, in coordination with State partners, to community as quickly as possible.
“We must all be committed to getting the facts, pursuing justice, and keeping the peace.”
The shooting incident is less than a mile from the street where George Floyd died while being detained by now-former police officers on Memorial Day in May.