Crazy moment off-duty policeman shoots dead two gunmen with one hand while clutching his baby boy in the other hand

A policeman is being hailed a hero after he foiled a pharmacy robbery by shooting at the armed robbers while carrying his baby on Saturday afternoon.
Sergeant Rafael Souza was off-duty when he entered Bifarma in the centre of Campo Limpo Paulista in Brazil with his wife and their young son to buy medicine, but as soon as they got in, two burglars with hoods and a gun rushed in to steal from the pharmacy. And Souza saved the day in a rather heroic way.
Clutching his son under one arm, he pulled his gun and shot one of the assailants at point-blank range before he pursued the other man. The first suspect to be killed, Jefferson Alves, 24, had pointed his gun at Souza. Sgt Souza, of the 49th Metropolitan Battalion, said that the suspect intended to shoot him so he reacted.
As he chased the second robber, he handed his tiny child to his screaming wife who was hiding behind shelves before the video cut out. The dramatic scenes were caught on CCTV in the state of São Paulo.
Watch below.