Emotional moment father goes one one knee and proposes to his 4-year-old daughter with ring after he got married to her mother (video)

This is the moment a thoughtful man bought a ring, went down on one knee and proposed to his 4-year-old daughter shortly after he married her mother.
Mark Thomas got married in April 2018 to the love of his life but their 4-year-old daughter Evelyn told everyone it was “her big day” and even asked for her own ring. So the thoughtful man decided to go all out and propose to the little girl too.
In an adorable video, he is seen on one knee and with an open ring box, asking little Evelyn, “Will you marry me.”
The girl happily replied, “Yes.” and picked up the ring to put on her finger.
The man collected the ring for her to help her put it on but says first, “Once this ring goes on, we are now a family.”
The girl was so excited and kissed the ring multiple times then leaned into her father, who then carried her.
“I love you,” he told the child and she replied, “I love you too.”
Watch the beautiful video below.