Entertainers Hall of Fame releases the mission, aim and objectives of the association to the general public

The Association is designed to bring Nigerian Europe based Artists, Dj’s, Comedians, Master of ceremony (mc’s) e.t.c, together under one umbrella body to foster Unity and progress amongst themselves.
This will help brigde the gap between the entertainers to work together without stress.
Aims and Objectives.
The Association’s aim is to create an enabling atmosphere for members to support each other, in terms of promotion, collaboration, moral support, financial supports when the needs arises.
Every registered member is entitled to possible assistance while making efforts to succeed in his or her craft

With the connections of the Association, members will find it affordable to run promotion home and abroad.
Job opportunities will also be created as members would be considered first for job before an outsider.
The objective of Entertainers Hall of Fame is to give every necessary support to her members, when having personal shows or concerts and other events.
It is of utmost importance to the Entertainers Hall of Fame to use it’s fund in supporting the less privileged. Engaging in charity will be a primary objective of the Association.