Halima Abubakar bravely shares makeup-free video of her face to show what she was dealing with a while back

Halima Abubakar took to Instagram to share a video of her face without makeup while also addressing a troll who subject her to cyberbullying without knowing what she’s been passing through.
In the video, Halima had black spots covering her face. She said she woke up in May last year to find her face like that.
She added that it was so bad that she shied away from people and avoided video calls.
She went on to say that while she was dealing with the skin condition, she also had to deal with cyberbullies.
She wrote: “Good morning beautiful people.i decided to post this video today,without shame or afraid of being ridiculed.i woke up in May last year to this. I don’t need any pity, cos some of you think you can break me.i own my shit.i lost friends, lover and was devastated. But this was last year.Only few people knew.No insult will move me darlings and no it is not cream.With all your venoms, shaming etc. I signed over 10 endorsement with this face.Some of you won’t read my caption, but I know you will share to your friends and families. And then laugh..Enjoy your laugh, until it happens to you. Like I said this was last year.i couldn’t FaceTime , video call, or even trust people around me.Now I want to share it.Your conscience is gone!just Evil people on social media.Enjoy and share. A year and half today#part1”
Her fellow celebrities took to the comment section to show support for her after she shared her story.
Watch the video below.