Happy new month! Here’s something I want you all to think about!

When you wake up every morning, ask yourself the most important questions ever! “Why am I alive?’, ‘What’s my purpose on earth?’. These questions are hard to answer for some of us! Most of the time we don’t know but here’s a way you may be able to get your answer. .
If you know what your passion is, combine it with what the world needs. It’s basically finding your gift and giving it away with love and courage.
To know you have lived is to one day stand before God at the end of your life and tell him, I have no more gifts left because I used everything you gave me.
I hope you realize that you have only one life to live. There’s no coming back to do this all over again. There’s no reset or rewind button to go back and restart. All you have is here and now. I hope you’re wise enough to know you must live your best life. You must be a blessing to yourself and to others. Say amen.
Wishing you all God’s immense blessings, peace of mind, good health, happiness, but most of all, the wisdom to know why you were put on this earth. Happy new month! ???