Hear leaked audio of CNN chief Jeff Zucker praising Trump and offering to give him a weekly show on the network

A Leaked audio has revealed that CNN Chief, Jeff Zucker, told former Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen, just before the GOP primary debate on March 10, 2016, that Trump can’t be elected without CNN as he praised him.
The audio also shows the media organization’s leader offering to give the then candidate a weekly show on the network.
Trump and CNN are sworn enemies and waste no time to attack each other so the mind blowing audio comes as a big shock
In leaked audio revealed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night September 8, CNN chief Jeff Zucker is heard praising Donald Trump, calling him “The Boss,” in a conversation with ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.
Shockingly, he goes on to give Cohen political advice on how Trump should get through the CNN debate in 2016.
‘You guys have had great instincts, great guts and great understanding of everything,’ Zucker explained to Cohen. ‘But you’re missing the boat on how it works going forward.’
The conversation then changed to post-election plans, with the CNN leader offering a ‘weekly’ show with Trump.
‘I have all these proposals for him,’ Zucker told Cohen. ‘I want to do a weekly show with him and all this stuff.’
Talking about the debate, Zucker then praised Trump’s handling of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and others.
‘I think the other guys are going to gang up on him tremendously … and I think he’s going to hold his own, as he does every time’ Zucker said. He’s never lost a debate. And you know what? He’s good at this … He’s going to do great.’
Zucker then offered his own advice to Cohen and Trump’s team.
‘You know what you should do? Whoever’s around him today should just be calling him a conman all day so he’s used to it, so that when he hears it from [Marco] Rubio, it doesn’t matter,’ Zucker said. ‘”Hey conman, hey conman, hey conman.” He thinks that’s his name, you know
Cohen and Trump have since fallen apart with the former serving a 3 year jail sentence for lying to congress.
Hear the audio below.