Househelp claims she was sexually assaulted and forced by her employer to wash and sleep with a corpse

A Kenyan political blogger, David Ndung’u shred this horror story which sounds like a Nollywood movie.
Acccording to him, the house help was allegedly sexually assaulted by her employer and forced to wash and sleep with a corpse. Read below and share your comments:
Peninah Awuor from Nyahera, Kisumu County was a house-help in Pangani for only 47 days.
Apart from being sexually assaulted, she was forced by her employer Mohammed Noor to wash and sometimes sleep with a corpse wrapped with a mat and hidden under a bed in one of the rooms.
The first time Mr. Noor forced her to do it at gunpoint.
She was shocked when she realized that each day the corpse would produce several new Ksh1,000 and Ksh500 notes which Mr. Noor would collect in a basin.
Noor’s wife once beat up Peninah when she screamed at night after Mr. Noor started grabbing her inappropriately in the living room while she and her two children were asleep upstairs.
She also warned Peninah to never steal the money collected daily from the corpse while cleaning it or she will suffer untold consequences.
According to Peninah, a doctor would also come to the house every Friday to inject the corpse with some substance so that it does not smell.
Peninah who was kicked out of the home without a penny reported the matter to Pangani Police Station where police officers appeared to despise her story ostensibly on being bribed by Mr. Noor. She only got help after she reported the matter to Parklands Police station.
In her 47 days of employment which she was not paid, she washed the corpse 40 times and has vowed to never work as a househelp again.