“I challenge Kelly to take a live lie detector” one of R. Kelly’s alleged former sex slave says

One of the women allegedly abused by R. Kelly has challenged the singer to take a lie detector test live on national TV to prove to the world that he’s innocent since that’s what he claims.
Asante McGee is one of the women who made allegations against Mr. Kelly on “Surviving R. Kelly”. Following her revelations, a Facebook page was create called Surviving Lies where R. Kelly is trying to prove his accusers are lying and “expose” them.
It appears that Asante McGee, who was featured in the docuseries, is the first target to be exposed by R. Kelly. A video shared by Surviving Lies Facebook page features an audio conversation that allegedly features Asante’s daughter and ex-boyfriend exposing her accusations. The people on the audio have not been verified, but the page is claiming that it is Asante’s daughter and ex-boyfriend.
But Asante says people need to wake up to the real person Kelly is. She says his longtime fans must stop supporting and pull the shudders back to see what’s really going on and, after that, hold him accountable for his alleged crimes.
Asante then went on to request that R. Kelly undergo a polygraph on TV, where the results can be seen live.