“I have never done Botox or surgery” Jennifer Lopez hits back after followers accused her of false advertising when she credited her JLo Beauty face mask for youthful skin

Jennifer Lopez has hit back after her followers accused her of getting Botox then crediting her youthful skin to her JLo Beauty face mask.
The actress shared a video of her face to Instagram to promote the mask which she says makes her face look tighter and younger.
But followers told her that Botox, and not the mask she’s trying to promote, is to be credited for her youthful skin.

J.Lo hit back, writing: “LOL thats just my face! For the 500 millionth time, I have never done Botox or any injectables or surgery!
“Get you some JLO BEAUTY and feel beautiful in your own skin! And here is another JLO Beauty secret: try spending your time being more positive, kind and uplifting of others.
“Don’t spend your time trying to bring others down that will keep you youthful and beautiful too! Sending you love. #beautyfromtheinsideout #beautyhasnoexpirationdate.”