Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves arrested and handcuffed in Berlin

Surgery addict, Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves was recently arrested and handcuffed for failing to provide police with a valid passport in Berlin, Germany.
The 35-year-old who was in Germany to film for a TV show for the PRO7 German TV network was arrested for carrying his old expired passport and taken to the station in handcuffs.
He was later released after a scan of his new passport was brought to the station.
Speaking after his arrest, he told MailOnline: ‘I was filming for a TV show for the PRO7 German TV network and during filming, the crew were stopped by police who asked to check our ID’s.
‘They wanted to know that we had permission from the local consul in Berlin to film in the streets.
All the paperwork for filming was fine, but I was arrested because I was accidentally carrying my old expired passport and not my new one.
‘It was not possible for the police to Face ID me because I now look so different to the photo. Someone had to bring a scan of my new passport for me to be released.’
The reality star has spent over £500k on surgery over the years in a bid to change his appearance and look young.