Instagram ‘big boy’, Victory Ene, caught on CCTV stealing a N700k MacBook at Emab Plaza in Abuja (video)

A young man was caught on CCTV footage surreptitiously making away with a MacBook worth N700K at Emab Plaza in Wuse, Abuja.
Victory Ene was at the Plaza on Saturday and as a store attendant attended to other things, he stylishly went to the MacBook, shifted so his back was turned to the attendant and she couldn’t see what he was up to, then slid the MacBook into his bag and closed it, then pretended nothing had happened.
The company shared the CCTV footage some days ago and asked for help in locating the young man who stole from them. Social media users quickly did their thing and soon identified him as flamboyant Victory Ene.
Watch the CCTV footage below.
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