Landlord refuses to rent room to a student because ‘Nigerian cooking makes the house smell’

A British landlord, Elina Vimbsone has been accused of ‘shocking racism’ after allegedly refusing to rent out her double room apartment in London to a Gambian student, Ebrima Mboob.
Elina who was initially enthusiastic about offering the room, changed her mind upon realizing he is from an African country because Nigerian cooking ‘makes the house smell’.
In a screenshot of a chat shared, the landlord told the Gambian student that her house is only for Europeans.

Recounting the experience, 24-year-old Ebrima who is studying Performing Arts at the University of the Arts London said he was shocked to know that his right to renting the apartment was cancelled because of ethnicity.

He told The Sun;
“I was completely shocked at the landlord’s response and I still am today.
“Growing up in England, I’ve experienced all types of racism, but this was the first time that I’ve experienced something this absurd.
“She even tried to play it down by saying how she has Nigerian friends and that all their houses smell like what they cook.
“I’ve just moved in with new housemates and I’ve developed serious anxiety about cooking around them in case they hate the smell too.”