Man shot by his dog while they were playing

A man says his dog inadvertently shot him while they were playing at his home on Wednesday.
51-year-old Richard Remme, of Fort Dodge in Iowa, told police he was playing with his dog, Balew, on the couch and threw the dog off his lap. The dog quickly bounded back up and it is believed that he must have disabled the safety on the gun in Richard’s belly band and stepped on the trigger. The gun fired, striking one of Richard’s legs.
“It has a trigger safety as well as a thumb safety, and he managed to hit both of them, and it discharged and went into my leg, did no major damage to anything,” Richard said.
Richard immediately called for an ambulance and he was treated at a hospital and released later that day. Richard told The Messenger newspaper that Balew lay down beside him and cried after shooting him.
He said: “The dog’s a big wuss. The poor dog laid down beside me and cried, because he thought he was in trouble for doing something wrong. He’s a pit-lab mix. He’s afraid of the dark, he’s afraid of water.”