Photos-Nigerian Mother Gives Her Testimony After Her Son Little Omonigho Miraculously Survived A Rottweiler Attack 3years Ago

3 years later, the mother of Isaac – who was mauled by their neighbor’s dogs in Lagos – thanks God for his mercy, Omonigho’s mother, Helen Udoh, took to facebook to Celebrate Omonigho Isaac after 3 years for surviving the horrible moments from the Rottweiler dog.
The post read; Who said there is no God, Indeed there is God, for he said I will have mercy on whom I will have on and he had mercy on me. On 25th of September 2014 my son was beaten by two Rottweiler, and everyone thought the boy would not live, but that was when God took charge and gave that boy life in abundance. Today is his three years survival of the incident so join me to celebrate God for his life, I thank you Lord for your kindness towards my family.