Mum’s open letter to her husband:”Dear husband, I. need. more. help”(screenshots)

A mother-of-two was overwhelmed with taking care of an infant and a toddler with very little help from her husband and an incident caused her to reach a breaking point so she let it all out by writing a now viral open letter.
Celeste Erlach, from Utah, USA, wrote her husband a letter, hoping he would finally realise that parenthood is a two-people job. The letter has gone viral after it was shared on Facebook group Breastfeeding Mama Talk.
The letter was about trying to raise two young children, with a partner who, more often than not, doesn’t help, or knows how to. Celeste told Metro.co.uk about the final straw which made her write the letter, and how her husband reacted to it all.
She said: “I think the first time a mum asks for help is a significant milestone. For me, this was the first time I even asked because before then, I was determined to do it all and be the super mum I was perceived to be. Asking for help felt like admitting defeat and it wasn’t until I was at wit’s end, that I could even express I’d reached my breaking point.
“When I asked my husband for help, he was eager to assist! He didn’t know how much pressure I had put on myself because I tried to make it look easy. Nothing about parenting is easy. Looking back, I kick myself for not asking for help sooner.
“Since the letter, my husband notices the little things I do more and more. He sees what goes into being a mum and he expresses more gratitude. I hope that this letter helps other mums express their thoughts and struggles. And I hope dads read it and have a better understanding of all the things mums do behind the scenes, both big and small.”
Read the letter below.