Seven students charged in a juvenile court for spiking their teacher’s food with urine and semen

Seven middle school students from Ohio, United States have been charged in a juvenile court with serving their teachers crepes tainted with urine and semen.
Delaware County prosecutors filed the criminal counts on Tuesday, September 3rd against six 14-year-olds and one 15-year-old attending eighth grade at Olentangy Hyatts Middle School following a four-month investigation into the stomach-turning allegations.
The incident took place in May, when the students prepared food as part of an end-of-the-year cooking competition where their teachers acted as judges.
‘One student filmed some of it, and the video made its way around the school and fortunately to school administrators,’ said Tracy Whited, Delaware County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman. The video allegedly showed the suspects’ bodily fluids being added to the meals.
The sickening footage was not uncovered until after the contaminated meals were consumed by two unsuspecting teachers: a 24-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man. One student was charged with felony assault for allegedly bringing his semen to school and pouring it onto a meal that was then served to a teacher.
According to court documents, the teen planned the foul stunt days earlier with his classmates. All the other six students face various charges.
Olentangy Local School District said ‘we are saddened that these charges are a result of actions that took place at one of our schools. Our teachers deserve respect and kindness, and anything less than that is completely unacceptable. We will continue to support law enforcement in every way possible.’
The students’ defense attorney, Brad Koffel, told The Columbus Dispatch that his clients come from ‘very good families,’ and blamed their antics on social media culture and the teenagers’ desire to gain notoriety through ‘clicks’ on YouTube. The lawyer said the teens have expressed remorse for their actions and have been reprimanded at home for what he characterized as the boys ‘dumb actions.’