Newlyweds looked on in horror as their wedding cake collapsed during cutting ceremony (Photos)

A cake-cutting ceremony at a wedding didn’t go as planned for a newly wedded couple as their £450 cake collapsed in front of invited guests.
Chloe, 28, and Aaron Bailey, 29, from Hampshire, who got married last week witnessed their wedding cake toppled over after the table collapsed underneath it as they went to cut it.

In the hilarious photos captured by wedding photographer Alisa Esfandiari, 28, the couple were pictured posing with a knife ready to cut the cake before everything went all wrong, leaving them in total shock.

Chloe said: ‘What could we do? We just had to laugh it off. It was funny. We will remember that, definitely.
‘We barely cut the cake at all. Literally as soon as the knife went into the cake we felt movement underneath it. I think we cut very slightly into it and it went immediately, pretty much.

‘For us it felt like slow motion, as if it were about five or 10 minutes. It’s just that panic of what on earth do you do? I think everyone else felt like that too.
‘It was disbelief initially. We were both just gripping on to the edge of the table thinking, ‘no, this can’t be happening’.
‘We’ve both been to so many weddings as well and nothing has ever happened like this before – so we just couldn’t believe it ourselves.
‘We were really shocked and had a moment of pause. The atmosphere of the whole room just changed and the room paused because they didn’t know if we were going to laugh or cry.

I think we just looked at each other and thought, ‘what can you do?’. We just laughed. All the bridesmaids ran in and ate the macarons off the floor.
‘Someone picked up a macaron and handed it to us. We just ate it and laughed.

‘One of Aaron’s friends had the whole top tier in his hands once it had gone over completely. The best man had a handful of cream from where he tried to rescue it.
‘I don’t know who picked up the bottom and middle tier but we did assemble the cake again. It was slightly messier than it originally was, but that didn’t upset me.
‘We’ve got some of the cake still. We’d asked for the caterers to save us a quarter of each tier.
‘We’d bought it home and it’s absolutely delicious. It’s an amazing cake. I just feel gutted for the cakemaker but they’ve taken it in their stride as well.’

On capturing the hilarious moment, photographer Alisa said: ‘Of all the weddings I’ve done, I’ve got a lot of stories but this cake cutting is one of the best.
‘That’s never happened before. It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
‘Chloe and Aaron thought it was so funny and really memorable. It was absolutely nothing bad, it was just a moment that was hilarious and so unexpected.
‘They were absolute legends about it and so great. Everyone loves the cake but actually, the cutting of the cake just feels like a photo people have to get and there’s never really any emotion behind it.
‘I feel like this will be a really memorable part of their wedding day. From my perspective, I’m always looking for those natural moments and trying not to force anything.
‘I’d made the decision to put my flash on beforehand which would mean I have a faster shutter, whereas normally I’m all about natural light.
‘The best man nodded to me to say they were ready, and I said, ‘look at each other and when you’re ready, cut the cake and have a kiss and that will be it’.
‘Everyone gathered around with their cameras ready to take a photo. As it started to wobble, there was a split second of ‘oh my god, this cake is going to fall’.
‘I had to decide if I should run in and help or just keep taking a photo. With anything you think, they’re going to want this captured. This is a memory.
‘I took loads and the best man and a few people rushed over to gather up the cake, but I was really glad I didn’t put my camera down.
‘We put the cake back on the table in a dishevelled shape. It actually stayed in a good form which just shows how good the cake maker is because it didn’t crumble at all.
‘They cut the cake up and everyone ate it. It didn’t put a dampener on the day which was really good.
‘A lot of people would be gutted, but actually I think it made the whole thing very candid.
‘My job as a photographer is to capture it for real as to how it happened. I think I made a good choice. It was definitely a very memorable experience.’