Nigerian mafia gang busted in italy(Photos/Videos)

Cagliari, November 21 – Police in Cagliari on Wednesday carried out several arrests and dismantled an alleged criminal ring linked to a Nigerian mafia clan, the ‘Supreme Eye Confraternity’, investigative sources said.
The so-called ‘Calypso Nest’ gang is accused of human trafficking, exploitation of prostitution and drug dealing.
They have also been charged with mafia association, the sources said.
The investigation that led to the police operation kicked off in 2017.
In all, 21 people were arrested and 36 others placed under investigation, police said.
Some 75 kg of drugs were seized.
The gang had humanitarian permits to stay in Italy, police said.
21 Nigerians arrested yesterday 21 November 2018 in CAGLIARI, ITALY 6 on the run for practicing cultism in a develop country filled with security and cctv cameras everywhere?I was so ashamed watching this with my Italian woman yesterday evening. My Question is?Na cult carry u come this Europe? Tomorrow them go say Italy non GUD no Job & u non sabi speak language. Salvini go deport all of unaPeople non really know waiting God do for them. Some come Europe because of woman, some come because of packets of ciga/igbo spoiling the name of the good Nigerians ?? Published on 21 Nov 2018(Agenzia Vista) – Cagliari, 21 Novembre 2018 – E' grazie all'operazione “Calypso Nest” che sono stati fermati 21 cittadini nigeriani facenti parte di una cellula criminale specializzata nel traffico di eroina e cocaina e nello sfruttamento della prostituzione collegata alla consorteria mafiosa che opera a livello internazionale Supreme Eiye Confraternity. Courtesy Sardegna 1
Posted by Proudly Africa News on Thursday, November 22, 2018