Nigerian national 22-year-old-Arrested in the U.S over identity fraud, receiving and concealing stolen property

Abramson Abdullah Adekola,22-year-old Nigerian national, , has been arrested in the U.S as the result of a criminal investigation into an identity fraud and stolen property processing operation.
Adekola was taken into custody without incident by deputies of the Keweenaw County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan on August 24th 2017 and charged with Receiving and Concealing Stolen property over $1000.00 but less than $20,000.00.
This charge is a five year felony. Several items of stolen property including electronics have been recovered by the Sheriff’s Office.
It is alleged that Adekola was part of a criminal enterprise involving the theft of personal information from individuals which was then used to make fraudulent purchases on-line.
The stolen property was being sent to Adekola’s place of employment in Keweenaw County where he would process the items. Adekola is in the United States on a work visa. He is currently being held on a $50,000.00 cash bond
It is believed that other persons involved are located in one or more foreign countries and at least one other state. The Keweenaw County Sheriff’s Office is in contact with various federal agencies in this matter.
Bill Luokkanen, Keweenaw County sheriff, said there are no further details he can release in reference to the investigation at this point.
“We’re not done with the case yet,” Luokkanen said. “We’re still working with various federal agencies right now. Anything beyond what we released in the statement, we’re not at liberty to say. More information will be released when we are able to.”
Adekola’s next court date is scheduled for Sept. 28.