A Nigerian pastor has been accused of defrauding an elderly couple of their house in Windhoek Namibia.
Pastor Isaac Onwordi of the Life-Changing Christian Church pastor made his appearance together with his wife, Suama Ndagodja Onwordi, at the Windhoek Magistrate Court last Friday. (pictured covering his face with hankerchief)
According to the state’s case, Onwordi forged a document for ownership of a N$1.5 million worth house that is in Windhoek and belongs to Mr Gervasius Arnat and his wife, who were at the time members of his Katutura based church.
The pastor is said to have, under false pretenses, agreed to rent out the couple’s house, which later resulted in their losing access to their property located at Erf 148 Nthilla Street, Dorado Park.
Onwordi, who was with an entourage of his church mates was ducking and diving from the camera when the court postponed his case to the 16th of October 2018, to allow for more investigations and his bail was consequently extended together with that of his accused wife.
He and his wife are on N$10 000 bail and the judge warned that failure to appear in court will see a warrant of arrest being issued against them and their bail cancelled
They have been instructed not to interfere with police investigations, hand over their travelling documents and not to leave the district of Windhoek without prior permission.
However, everything turned ugly outside court when Gervasius Arnat approached their daughter to hand over their car since she had been told by the pastor not to associate with them.
Speaking to The Villager, Arnat said his daughter had changed her name from Gervaldo to Faith and had refused to hand over the car insisting that they address her by her new name, Faith.
“We even bought her property at a flat she was renting but now all that is gone. She can’t speak to us anymore because of the pastor, can you imagine that? A pastor comes all the way from Nigeria to ruin families, ha?” said the mother visibly shaken by the confrontation.
An eye witness told The Villager that soon after the chaos began, Onwordi’s son began taking a video recording saying that the parents were harassing her.
“She was told that if she drives the car she would die because the parents bewitched it. Her name is Gervaldo Arnat but the pastor changed it to Faith, can you believe that?” an eye witness and ex-member of the church said.
Onwordi and his church are not new to controversy, The Villager reported recently that the pastor was being accused of running it like a cult, telling his fellowship that they would die if they do not follow some of his instructions.
He has hit back at whistleblowers and critics accusing them of libel while he insisted that he was a genuine man of God.