Girl, 19, who pushed friend, 16, off a bridge pleads guilty to reckless endangerment

Judge Darvin Zimmerman delayed the sentencing to hear more about the victim’s injuries, medical costs and to give Holgerson time to gather her thoughts in case she wanted to speak before hearing Tay’lor Smith’s fate.
Holgerson and her mum
Tay’lor initially faced up to a year in prison and a $5,000 fine for the incident that went viral when a video was posted on YouTube. But prosecutors are now recommending no jail time when she is sentenced March 27.
Instead Smith could get off relatively lightly with community service and electronic monitoring that would leave her confined to her home.
Smith previously spoke out to say she was sorry for hurting her friend.
She said last year: “I never intended to hurt her ever, nor would I intend to hurt anyone, ever. I’m sorry it worked out that way. I accept the charges maturely and all I can do is hope for the best for Jordan and myself.”