Man Reacts To Photos Of Buhari Sitting Down On Chair Inside Mosque-“Is Buhari Too Big For Allah? We Muslims Are Not Happy About This”

President Mohammadu Buhari,Last Friday escaped being lynched at the National Mosque, Abuja. The president, who came to the Mosque for the second time since his inauguration in 2015 for the wedding of his brother-in-law, Hamza, was attacked by a large group of irate worshippers immediately after the end of the Friday prayers.
Sensing the danger, security forces took over the situation and barricaded the president. The worshipers, shouting ‘you are a murderer, an unjust leader and hypocrite’, were blocked by the security. They continued saying ‘we’re ready to die, you can kill us all’.
It would seem that the irate protesters knew of the President’s coming to the mosque, so they mobilized against him. Julius Berger had earlier in the day erected high barricades around the mosque, which gave out that the president was going to attend Hamza’s wedding.
Universal Reporters learnt that the president, who prayed sitting on a chair, indicating his fragile health status, was saved by the whiskers
A Paged Named Citizens Echo Captioned The Photo:
Is Buhari too big for Allah? Muslims are not happy about this!
And An APC Supporter Fired Back!!
Abubakar Usman Almajiri ·
Some idiots are circulating this picture to say Buhari is too big for Allah.
People must know that muslims are allowed to do this where they have medical conditions that impede their ability to pray while observing the prescribed positions.
This is a proof of simplicity and flexibility of Islam. Allah does not impose on a soul beyond what it can bear.
We advise such people to find another fault. This one cant stand.