A woman who fell in love after seeing your wallet will also fall out of love after seeing your downfall – Reno Omokri

Former Presidential spokesperson, Reno Omokri shared yet another nugget on relationship and it centered on ‘materialism’.
Reno stated that a man is never under any obligation to spend his money on a woman that is not his wife and engaging in such doesn’t make him ‘stingy’. He added that a woman who fell in love after seeing a wallet will also fall out of love after seeing a downfall.
Read his nugget below;
Dear men,
A woman who fell in love after seeing your WALLET will also fall out of love after seeing your DOWNFALL. You are under no obligation to spend your money on a woman that is not your wife. It does not make you STINGY. It make you WISE, because SPENDING to MAINTAIN girlfriends DRAINS blessings from you. SPENDING to MAINTAIN parents RAINS blessings on you.. Learn to PLEASURE your parents if you want TREASURE in your life. HONOUR your FATHER and MOTHER and God will HONOUR you