Photo-Man arrested for using Ice Cream Truck to lure and se*xually assault children

Isam Fathee Mohamed Rahmah, 51-year-old man, has been arrested for allegedly using an Ice Cream truck to lure and sexually assault children in North Carolina.
Durham police say he sexually assaulted two boys inside the ice cream truck on two separate occasions in Durham during the month of October. ????
According to WFMY, the boys told their parents and the parents reported the incident to the police. The parents who live in an apartment complex near where the sexual assault occurred, said they saw Rahman often and that he would drive around their neighborhood all the time.
“It’s frightening. You don’t ever want to hear anything like this,” Carolisha Cole, a parent, told the station. Another neighbor said she believes Rahman lived in the truck.
Rahmah who surrendered to authorities on Saturday morning after a brief search is facing multiple charges of first-degree kidnapping and indecent liberties with a child.
He is being held in Durham County Jail on $1 million bond.