Jungle justice:Two Nigerian Gay Men Caught Pants Down, Mercilessly Beaten And Paraded In Umuosu, Abia State(photos)

According to multiple reports online these 2 Gay men were today caught red handed having a n a l s e x and they received the beaten of their lives and were then paraded round their village in Umuosu, Abia State
see some reactions;
johnnyricky2@petiteladylola keep acting as if your know how to talk .isn’t gay against our law too In Nigeria ? What is wrong is wrong if you want to support same sex marriage may be u can start with your kids if you have any or hook up your family members so other gay guys can fuck them from their asshole ,Nonsense?even the Bible is against it .
johnnyricky2@petiteladylola keep acting as if your know how to talk .isn’t gay against our law too In Nigeria ? What is wrong is wrong if you want to support same sex marriage may be u can start with your kids if you have any or hook up your family members so other gay guys can fuck them from their asshole ,Nonsense?even the Bible is against it .
ewahchikafacts @cookiemonsternig . Drugs isn’t about body . Drug dealers aren’t prosecuted in ideal world but checked in for rehab. Dealers are prosecuted. The volume determines dealer and user. Users need help. Dealers destroy lives and souls. Gay is a lot different . It is a choice . As nasty as it may sound people’s choice must be respected. It’s like law against abortion. It’s also a choice . Can you tell me why some guys like fat or slim ladies ? Why are not going for the normal ones ? It’s a choice .why not arrest someone who uses sex doll or masturbates ? Choice . Let us not try to force people to believe the same things we believe . It is their lives
egeleelizabeth May God deliver them from this act because having carnal knowledge with thesame sex is totally evil. We all will answer to our maker one day. How can human beings do things that animals don’t.
mrz_cinfiaMy own is; why the costume?
felcecgh@missonyeks baby goat educated illiterate, just answer the damn question and quit the tomfoolery. Mention one community and traditions that was engaged in same sex before the laws. Your hanty tessy can go to hell, she can’t impose her buffoonery and animalistic behavioirs on Africa. Alika like u!
skthebosslady It’s their choice nobody has the right to forcefully enforce a certain sexuality in their lifes
the.godking@momentum_voice Aswear! ? and they are just insulting and attacking anyone who comes their way ? we all need to calm down. I never knew this topic was so sensitive in Nigeria ?
These Two Nigerian Gay Men Were Today Mercilessly Beaten And Paraded Naked In Umuosu, Abia State After They Were Caught Pants Down Having Anal Sex With Each Other