Photo: Witchdoctor who sued Uganda Speaker of Parliament for alleged breach of contract, banished by angry residents

A witchdoctor, Damian Akuze who recently sued the Uganda Speaker of parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has been excommunicated by residents of Wankole village, Kamuli district. Read previous report here The residents accused Akuze of attempting to taint the image of the speaker. Akuze recently filed a case through his lawyers; Mangeni and Company Advocates at the Jinja High court, demanding for a payment of Shs 200 million for his sorcery services that allegedly propelled Kadaga to the top leadership positions in this country. Kadaga has served several times as a member of parliament, as deputy speaker and as the speaker of parliament. But Akuze says that Kadaga was riding on his charms to keep herself in senior positions since the 1990s. He says that Kadaga failed to pay for the services over the years and that the money has since accumulated to more than Shs 200 million. “She made a down paid of Shs 1 million but she still owes me a big sum of money following the great job I did for her. I still do some work for her annually but am surprised there are people including police officers who are hunting me down,” Akuze said. He says he has demanded for his money for last 29 years in vain. This morning, angry residents armed with placards in defence of Kadaga, stormed Akuze’s home and ejected him. “Let our mother be,” read one of the placards. “We shall deal with you if you don’t withdraw the court case”, read another. The residents sounded drums within the compound and ordered him to vacate or risk being lynched. Isaac Mukembo, a resident of Budumba village says that Akuze is a fake witchdoctor who should be excommunicated from their area. Kadaga has categorically denied the accusations, saying her rise to the leadership positions was through hard work and great organisation and not due to Akuze’s charms.