Assistant Police Commissioner Vows To Hunt Down And Arrest All Yahoo Yahoo Boys Relocating From Lagos Because Of EFCC Raids

The assistant commissioner of police “Yomi Shogunle” took to his twitter page to send a strong warning to all Yahoo Boys relocating from lagos because of Efcc rapid raid in the state.
Yomi Shogunle, the Assistant commisioner of Police and head of the Public Complaint Rapid Response Unit had issued a warning to fraudsters known as yahoo boys.
Following the widely publicised arrest of 12 yahoo boys at Club 57 on Thursday, many of them have been relocating from Lagos .
He Wrote:
To All Yahoo Yahoo Boyz relocating from Lagos State because of fear of going to jail over #FinancialCrime:
You can run �♀ but you can’t hide, the long arm of the law will catch up with you anywhere you run to as long as you indulge in illegal activities. GO LEGIT. #YsGuide