44-year-old woman gives birth to twins after 20 years of marriage

A Ghanaian couple, Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Kate Anyane-Lah have welcomed a set of twins after 20 years of marriage.
According to the testimony shared by The Church of Penticost, Ghana on October 5, 2020 Mrs Kate, 44, gave birth to twins girls.

Three months after their wedding on 5th August, 2000, Kate conceived but suffered a miscarriage in the early stages of the pregnancy. After that unfortunate incident, the couple did everything humanly and medically possible to conceive again but to no avail.
They described the humiliations they had to endure from friends, some Church members, and even family members as “unbearable.” At a point, they even decided not to move forward whenever childless couples were called out for prayers.
For twenty years of their marriage, they spent a huge percentage of their income on medications, hopping from one hospital to another, including fertility hospitals, with the sole aim of having a child.
In 2015, they were made to undergo a surgery called Laparoscopy and were promised that they will conceive within two months but it yielded no positive result. At a point, a doctor taking care of them at one of the hospitals said to them: “What else do you want from me? I have done all that is medically possible for you.” While going home that day, Kate was nearly hit by a vehicle while standing right in the middle of the road unaware.
In September 2019 during a prayer session organised by the Women’s Ministry which was led by the District Pastor, Mrs. Anyane-Lah encountered divine grace and her menstrual cycle ceased.
Upon visiting the hospital, she was told at the first examination that it was a menopausal symptom because she was 44 years. But a test conducted later showed that she had conceived. They did not believe the report so they had to test it three more times by themselves for confirmation with a pregnancy test kit.
On 15th May, 2020, she was delivered of two beautiful twin girls. The children were christined on 19th September at Church of Penticost, Housing Down Assembly in Madina, Accra, Ghana.