Pastor filmed harassing ladies over their dressing and threatening them with hell while doing street evangelism (video)

A woman has shared a video showing the moment a pastor harassed her and her friend and threatened them with hellfire over the way they were dressed.
The women said they were around Ozone, while walking to Yaba, when the man walked up to them and started harassing them.
Sharing a video of the pastor, Chiderah wrote: “So I and my friend were walking to the market and this man kept harassing us in broad daylight saying he’s a preacher and our sunshades won’t help us in hell. Mountain of fire pastors hope y’all can find this person and act accordingly. Kindly tag relevant authorities please.”
Chiderah’s friend added: “So, it was I and @chi_derah that were walking to Yaba & somewhere around Ozone, this guy just walks to our side and says ‘repent or you will go to hell, these sun shades you’re wearing won’t help you in hell.’ At first, I didn’t even grasp what he said until he said it again but this timed louder than before.
“He kept pointing at us and saying we like things the world & our dressing will take us to hell. I’m literally wearing joggers and a t-shirt with a tied scarf on my head and @chi_derah is wearing a long-sleeved.”
Watch the video below.