‘She’s an ugly chick who wants me so bad’ – Wife reveals her disappointment after finding old messages on her husband’s phone from when they first met

A wife has been left ‘devastated’ after she discovered old messages on her husband’s phone from when they first met.
In the vile messages, he told a friend ‘she’s an ugly chick who wants me so bad.’
Jane Lewis, 40, from New Jersey, checked her husband’s phone with his permission last month.
But she was left heartbroken when she found messages from the start of their relationship, bragging to his friend about ‘an ugly chick’ who wants him so bad.
The 35-year-old told his friend he hadn’t ‘f****d her yet’ even though she’d ‘do anything’ for him.
He went on to describe how he just had to ‘make out with her a little bit’ to keep Jane happy.

The sprinkler technician sent the vile messages six years ago but the couple went on to marry in 2021, however, Jane only found the messages last month.
Jane’s husband described how he’d met ‘this ugly chick’ at the grocery store where she worked at the time, saying she would ‘do f*****g literally anything’ for him.
He told his friend he moved in with Jane but said he didn’t find her attractive like the ‘hot girls he sees all the time’.
Jack then went on to say that he believed he could get any girl but most ‘hot chicks are stuck up anyway’.
Jane said she immediately confronted her husband, who was embarrassed and made the excuse that he was trying to make himself feel better at the time.
The mother-of-three said her confidence has been shattered and that if she had found the messages earlier, she would have left him.

Jane said: ‘I went through his messages to see who he was talking to. Him and his friend don’t text that often so I only had to scroll back about ten messages.
‘I got to one from when we first got together saying he was using me for my money, how ugly I am and he won’t have sex with me.
‘It was pretty bad. It was very shocking. I was devastated.
‘He was mortified, he was pretty upset and he apologised. He said he felt bad about himself [at the time] and he wanted to make himself feel better.
‘I don’t know how I’ll move on from it. I’m hurt by it. If he asks me a question, I say: “‘I’m not stupid, I’m just ugly”.
‘He calls me beautiful but I don’t believe him. It’s knocked my confidence.
‘I have ugly duckling syndrome. I’ll always think I’m really bad looking.

‘I would have left him if I found the messages in the beginning. I have to try to move past it, it’s seven years later and we’re married.
‘If it was someone else who found the messages, I would tell them to leave because if I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t be with him. I wouldn’t have stuck through so many things.’
The couple met when Jane was working at a grocery store where Jack was a regular customer.
She says that they moved in together almost immediately and she thought the relationship was going well at the time Jack sent the messages.
Other messages Jack sent described Jane as a ‘good chick’ but he claims he’d ‘had plenty of other chicks’ that were better looking than her.
Jane described him as ‘kind, appreciative and flattering’ at the start of the relationship.
Jane said: ‘I thought we had a nice relationship. I don’t understand any of it. He was so nice to me and appreciative of everything I did.
‘He was all round pretty kind. I had to do a double take when I found the messages.
‘It seemed like our relationship was based on a lie. He didn’t treat me like that. It was out of character.
‘He wasn’t the person he was when we were together, he was sweet and flattering. He’s clearly a different person to me than he is to his friends and that’s messed up.
‘Marriage means a lot to him and he said he was never going to get married unless it was someone really special but I don’t believe anything he tells me now.
‘He could be telling me one thing and other people another.’