South African man stabbed and scalded with boiling water after his girlfriend became violent when he said he was done with the relationship

A South African man took to Twitter to show the injuries inflicted on him by his girlfriend after he said during an argument that he was done with the relationship.
He said she stabbed him and poured hot water on him.

Narrating what transpired, the man said his girlfriend gained entrance into his house while he was at the gym and boiled hot water. When he returned, she reboiled the water then started an argument with him. He said the argument was a continuation of the argument they had the night before.
When he told her he’s “done”, he said she poured water on him, went to grab a knife with which she stabbed him, then locked him inside, leaving with his keys so he won’t be able to get medical care.
He asked his followers for advice on how to handle the situation.
Read his posts below.