“Take sex away from relationships, and most men will be useless” Bisi Alimi says as he points out the link between misogyn and homophobia in men

Bisi Alimi has pointed out the reason why a number of men are homophobic and this, according to him, is closely linked to misogyny.
The gay rights activist said men perceive women as an object to be conquered “so when it comes to gay relationships, they can’t understand it because it defiles the act of conquering.”
He says this leads men to ask; “who is the man and who is the woman?” because, to these men, relationships involve two people where one person (the female in this case) is to be “subdued” while the other is to be “respected”. So, in the case of a gay relationship, they can’t understand who will be subdued and who will be in the position to be respected, hence their fear of same-sex relationships and hate for anyone who practices this.
He added that “Until men see women as valuable, loveable and respectable, then they will always treat women like trash and they will also always do same to anything that challenges their socialisation as a man; gay men.”
He wrote: