This Man tells his 21 year old girlfriend to rape his 11year old austistic son because he feared him being gay

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A father in Huntsville, Alabama is behind bars today for having his girlfriend rape and sodomize his 11-year-old autistic son. ?????????
On Thanksgiving in 2016, 29-year-old Sean Cole walked in on his son in what prosecutors say he claimed was a “compromising position with another boy” and became furious with fears that his son might be gay. To “straighten him out,” he influenced his 21-year-old girlfriend, Khadeijah Moore to have sex with his son. ?????????
Moore raped and sodomized the poor little boy, and forced him to perform sexual acts on her. When Cole’s son went back home to his mom’s after the holiday, he started asking questions about sexual intercourse, and eventually broke down and told his mother what happened at his father’s house. She immediately went to police.
Cole and Moore were charged with rape, sodomy, and the sexual abuse of a child under 12-years-old. A warrant has been issued for Moore’s arrest and she is officially a fugitive at this point after not showing up to trial. Both face up to life in prison, as sentencing will convene on May 24th for Cole, and Moore’s fate will be decided when they find her. ?????????