Woman cuts open her face to perform facelift surgery on herself and films it (graphic content)

A woman has shocked viewers after she cut her face open to perform a facelift surgery on herself, and filmed the entire process.
The shocking footage, believed to have been filmed in China, shows the woman using a scalpel and tweezers to cut open the skin under her eye. The woman was dressed in a hospital gown in the clip and had pen marks drawn under her eyes. The cut on her face followed the pen marks.
The woman was performing the surgery to get rid of wrinkles. She is seen in the video showing the skin under her right eye which had been sliced open, then she pulled it backwards to show what it will look like when it’s been stitched. She didn’t seem to be in any form of pain.
She says: “This is the second time I’m giving myself a facelift.”
As she pulls her skin upwards, tightening it across her cheek she asks: “Do I look younger?”
Viewers do not believe she really did the surgery herself and they are suggesting there must have been surgeons nearby.
Viewer Ji Mi-cheng, who watched the clip when it went viral on Chinese social media, said: “I’m pretty sure she just asked the surgeon to stop halfway so she could pose for the camera. Minutes before and after this are likely filled with blood.”
Watch the shocking video below.