Trump’s supporter pulls a gun on protesters after a liquid was dumped on him (video)

A Trump supporter has been seen in a video shared online, pulling a gun on protesters after a liquid was splashed on him.
In the video recorded at the scene of the incident in Woodinville just north of Kirkland, the man who pulled the gun was spotted wearing a pro-Trump cap and waving a gun at a group of what appear to be mostly young, female demonstrators.
The lady who captured the incident in a video, was then heard demanding to get his name as well as the names of the people he seemed to be rolling with, who also looked like Trump supporters from their getups.
After being berated for threatening violence as he placed back the gun to where he pulled it out from, the man gave an excuse of “something being dumped on him”. The lady claims it’s just water and calls him a snowflake.
However after the police were called in and told what happened, the Trump supporter who claimed a mix of spit and piss was dumped on him was neither arrested of detained. TMZ reported that police are now looking for the alleged bucket bandit whose act appears not to have been captured on tape.
Here is the video below;