Conservationists have been quite fascinated after discovering a two-headed turtle on Mabul Island, off the Malaysian part of Borneo.
The two-headed turtle which only survived a few days after being discovered, was found in a nest alongside more than 90 other recently hatched green turtles on July 15.
Speaking on the discovery, David McCann, marine biologist and conservation manager for group SJ SEAS said;
“The right head seems to control the front right flipper, and the left head the front left flipper. Yet they are capable of coordinating their movements in order to walk and swim.”
“We have released around 13,000 hatchlings from the hatchery and have never seen anything like this before,” SJ SEAS chairman Mohamad Khairuddin Riman added.

Dicephalism is a rare form of partial twinning where there are two heads on the torso. The last time a dicephalic turtle was found was in Redang, Terengganu in 2014.