U.S. President-elect Joe Biden to name the first members of his Cabinet on Tuesday

US president-elect, Joe Biden will announce the first members chosen for his cabinet on Tuesday November 24, the incoming White House chief of staff, Ron Klain has revealed.
Klain made the comments during an interview on ABC News’s “This Week” on Sunday, November 22nd.
“Well, what I can confirm, George, is that you’re going to see the first of the president-elect’s Cabinet appointments on Tuesday of this week,” Klain told host George Stephanopoulos.
Klain said that by doing so, the Biden transition was “beating, in fact, the pace that was set by the Obama-Biden transition, beating the pace set by the Trump transition.”
“But if you want to know what Cabinet agencies they are and who’s going to be in those Cabinet agencies, you’ll have to wait for the president-elect to say that himself on Tuesday,” he added.
Antony Blinken, a career diplomat who served as No 2 at the state department and as deputy national security adviser in the Obama administration, is Biden’s most likely pick to be secretary of state, according to reports on Sunday night by the New York Times and Reuters.
Also among the expected Cabinet picks are Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a former assistant secretary of state for Africa, as Biden’s nominee for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Jake Sullivan to be Biden’s national security adviser.
While Biden is transitioning to become the country’s 46th president at his inauguration on January 20, Trump has refused to concede the election to Biden and continues to make false accusations of widespread voter fraud.