Video: “Isreali’s Netta, the 2018 EuroVision winner jacked my ‘Chicken Dab’ style” – Nigerian Swiss Based Artist, NazB claims

Nigerian Swiss Based Artist Naz B has reacted to the recent victory of Isreali’ Netta at the 2018 Eurovision song contest with the song “Toy” which was allegedly written and composed by Doron Medalie and Stav Beger. The West African rapper claimed that the Chicken Dab Style which influenced Netta’s win was his trademark chicken dance moves that attracted overwhelming votes for her with her pink-haired backing singers and dancers.
Thousands of people from all over the world enjoyed the spectacular live shows at Lisbon’s Altice Arena last week, with over 200 million viewers tuning in on television as it was the very first time Portugal hosted the contest. Sadly, the brainchild of the dance concept which had gone viral was attributed to Netta after her thrilling victory.
Naz B who is currently based in Zurich, Switzerland first released the Chicken Dab Style on 24th October, 2017 which followed an open challenge to fans across the world with the tagging of @nazbmusic (NazB Chicken Dab Challenge) According to him ” Isreali’s Netta, the recent EuroVision Winner actually rocked My Chicken Dab Style which influenced her 2018 victory, I think I deserve some accolades”
In 2006, NazB who has been in the music industry especially as a rapper from his young age, dropped his first album which was carefully crafted using top-notch beats that were intricately fused with African, American and European ingredients alike. His first single was ” Superfly” followed by ” Attention” and “Fly Away “released in 2015. While in 2016, he dropped another hit single titled ” Ring Tone FT Macini” a Jamaican danchall artist based in the UK.
With a gift of a new sound, he creates the mystery of what to expect next. The Songwriter, vocalist and performing talent has also bagged several music honours and international recognition including been recognised as the Most Voted Coca Cola’s Music Artist of the year in Switzerland.
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