Video-Man dumps his baby at a church to avoid being mocked by friends for having another child

A man was caught on CCTV footage dumping his child at a church in India because he was afraid he would be mocked for having a fourth child.
Bitto, 32, and his wife Prabitha, 28, were arrested on Friday morning for abandoning their child. In a CCTV footage showing the incident, Bitto is seen carrying the baby wrapped in an orange blanket before placing the child on the ground at a church in India, giving the baby a kiss, and walking away.
India Today reports that the woman gave birth on Friday and made the decision with her husband to leave the baby at the church. They said they had been mocked and laughed at for having a fourth child and they told police they were worried about the stigma of having that many children.
The couple has been charged with exposure and abandonment of child under 12 years, by parent or person having care of it, and punishment for cruelty to child.
Watch the video below.